Release of Information to Military
Dear Parent/Guardian of Junior or Senior:
A provision of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires the school district to provide students’ names, addresses and home phone to military recruiters when requested.
The law also states that schools must notify parents and students that they have the right NOT to be included when the information is released if they choose.
To exercise your legal right to have this information kept private, you should use the form below to notify Lackawanna High School that you do not wish this information to be released. Please note that unless you use this “opt out procedure,” the school district cannot refuse the military recruiters’ requests, and you and your child may be contacted by them at home.
To OPT OUT of the Military Recruitment Provisions of the NCLB Act, please complete this form and return it to the Lackawanna High School Main Office by October 1st of the current school year. You may submit the form in person, by mail, or have your student hand deliver it to the High School Guidance office.